This World Continues to Expose the One Thing Humanity Lacks: Compassion

Existing in a world that turns compassion into controversy is an exhausting trend we could all do without.

E.B. Johnson | NLPMP | Editor


Photo by Zan on Unsplash

It is hard (if not impossible) to be engaged in the real world right now. Log into your favorite social media platform, and the first thing you’re going to see is the gore of war. Children being decapitated. Bodies crushed beneath rubble. Families screaming for god, for help, for anything that can relieve them.

Every country, every corner of the globe, is the center of some horror right now. Famines, floods, wars, pandemics. You name it, humanity brutalizing and being brutalized by the rough hand of nature. As we get pummeled and pummeled again and again by these crises, it’s not hard to see the empathy that is missing in so much of our “humanity”.

We are not a species that lacks creativity, that lacks genius. We don’t lack ambition, vision, or innovation. What humanity lacks, in this moment more than many others, is compassion.

We are a species that loves to hurt one another. We are a people who take glee in the extermination of our enemies. Closer and closer we hurdle toward the sun, and year after year, things remain the same. Can there be a change? Can we make a better…



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