They Taught You to Be Miserable. You Don’t Have to Stay That Way.

Recondition yourself to embrace life with a refreshed perspective.

E.B. Johnson | NLPMP | Editor


Photo by Todd Diemer on Unsplash

What are your origin stories? Who are the people who raised you? How did they teach you to see the world? For a lot of us, life started out rough. We learned to expect the worst from people who created the worst for themselves.

You may have learned to be miserable, but you don’t have to stay that way.

Your misery is a reflection of all of them. All of the people who failed you. All of the people who were strong enough or brave enough to change their perspectives. Holding on to that misery, that dirty lens through which they taught you to see shadows, is to hold on to their losses and failures.

You can choose something different. Happiness. Hope. Optimism. You can choose to be at peace and you can choose to see a world that embraces you, instead of a world with haunts waiting behind every corner.

Do you have that courage? To look beyond the curtain at the truths that wait beyond? Once you acknowledge how you learned to be miserable, you can take a stand. You can learn how to be happy and how to seek out more happiness in the world around you (grim though it may seem).

How you learned to be…

