Stop Trying to Live Up to Other People’s Standards

It’s time to create some standards of your own.

E.B. Johnson | NLPMP | Editor


Photo by Edu Lauton on Unsplash

This is a story originally posted on my premium Substack. For great stories just like this one, you can join the growing Practical Growth community there.

Whose standards are you living up to? It’s a strange question to ask, and one that gets me quite a lot of stares. Outside of a corporate organization, people don’t think much about their standards or where they come from. As humans, we’re more prone to set up goalposts without thinking of the reality of where those goalposts come from and whether they are even our goalposts to begin with.

Standards are the key to living full, self-realized lives. Those big glorious futures we talk about? They sit on the side of those personal standards we don’t think too much about. For us to improve our lives, our relationships, our career prospects, we have to drill down to the core and ask ourselves that key question. Whose standards are we living up to and are they our own?

Most of us are trying to live up to standards that don’t fit.

Our personal standards are a strange thing. We move through life always operating beneath them, but we never really consider them or where they come from. Not in the…

