Self-Discovery Prompt #96: Selling Out

How are you selling yourself short in life or your relationships? Be honest about the gaps to find a clear path to a happy future.

E.B. Johnson | NLPMP | Editor
2 min readFeb 2, 2022
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Life is a complex and fast-moving experience. To navigate it adeptly, we have to develop a number of skills that help us to build and maintain our relationships, our productivity, and even our focus and momentum. Do you know what skills you lack? Do you know what areas you thrive in? Getting the life we want requires that we take a good look at the world we’re building for ourselves and what we’re taking from it.

Q. Where are you selling yourself short in your life? Your relationships? What about your career?

It’s crucial that you pay close attention to these lacking places in your life. Until they are addressed, you will continue to run into the same heartbreaks, disappointments, and failures. Your life can be a fulfilling one — and it deserves to be. But the only way it can get there is if you get serious about giving yourself the time and attention that you deserve. Start today. Do at least 3 small things to meet your inner needs and improve your life from the inside out.

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