I’m Glad Your Account Got Revoked

You deserve it for being a cheat.

E.B. Johnson | NLPMP | Editor
3 min readOct 7, 2024
Photo by Junseong Lee on Unsplash

The Medium Facebook groups are on fire and it’s hilarious to watch. Hundreds of writers screaming about their Medium accounts being revoked, or being kicked out of the Partner Program. It’s unjust! They cry. Me? I’m laughing with every single post.

That’s because most of the Medium Facebook groups are essentially framed around fraud.

It’s all people who don’t have anything to say, people who can’t write well, soliciting mutual engagement.

One person posts something they’ve “written” (mostly AI or plagiarism) and then solicit a flock of other “writers” who then agree on mutual back and forth of claps and minimum read time. Some of them have worked the system marevlously well, getting thousands and thousands of eyes on their stories through these mutual engagement scams.

It’s a problem I brought to Tony Stubblebine’s attention months ago, which at the time he claimed to have no knowledge of. Now, it seems, the content teams at Medium have FINALLY gotten wise.

For my part, I’m glad to see it happen.

I hope every single person on this site who has stolen bandwidth from *real* writers get their accounts revoked. I hope they all get kicked out of the Medium Partner Program, and I hope not a single one of them makes another red cent from a single word they claim to write.

If the only way you can solicit engagement on your posts is through mutual engagemet scams — then you’re not intriguiging as a writer. Plain and simple. Go outside. Live a life, find a niche, and come back and try it again when you’re not hounding the footsteps of real people attempting a craft.

I am personally happy, and I hope that every scammer on this platform (of which there seems to be sooo many more now than there were 2 years ago…hmmm) lose their access and never see the light of day again.

If you can’t play by the rules, then you get to sit on the sidelines.

Enjoy your sin bin. I’m certainly enjoying the view.

I am a writer, artist, NLPMP, and podcaster who helps people build creative lives after trauma. In my free time, I have a passion for fresh bread, history, and all things watercolor. Learn more about me here. Join my mailing list.

