How Gender Roles Affect the Behaviors of Toxic Men and Toxic Women

And what you can do to protect yourself from their patterns.

E.B. Johnson | NLPMP | Editor


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In a world full of relationship advice and at-the-ready self-help, we don’t really spend a lot of time talking about the distinct differences between the toxic man and the toxic woman. Yes, we talk about gender and how it shapes the demands of the social roles we’ve created. But we don’t dig deep enough in terms of how these standards affect the way even toxic people manifest in the world.

The way we perceive their gender in the world has influenced or affected even the most abusive and manipulative person. Male or female, it changes the way you can relate with those around you. Like it or not, gender stereotypes and social expectations change the way a toxic person moves around those who love them most.

Even toxic people are shaped by gender roles.

Toxic people are still beholden to the gender “norms” that their pocket of society creates. Consider the conservative…

