Feeding the Doom Trolls Comes at a Cost. Here’s How We Stop Them.

Instead of subscribing to apocalyptic honeypots, try the middle path instead.

E.B. Johnson | NLPMP | Editor


Image licensed with Envato Elements

Over the last couple of weeks, there’s been a lot of chat about the doom mongers out there who make their homes on blogging and social media platforms around the web. You know the ones. They’re the heavy hitters who scream about all the bad in this world — both imagined and real — offering no solutions. For them, is nothing but fear, death, and disaster around every corner.

These doom trolls are bad news. They’re putting us on a collision course with disaster. No, it’s not because they lack optimism. Delusional optimists can be just as dangerous (for us and the future).

The problem is that they’re vampires, feeding off the negativity that they both sow and reap in equal measure. Doom trolls love creating negative reactions, negative emotions, and negative commentary that stokes their views and places them in a place of emotive leadership. The cost? More than we realize and more than we can bear.

The doom has come for us all.

Doom trolls aren’t problematic because they point out all the negative and broken aspects of our society. Those things should rightfully be addressed. The issue…

