E.B. Johnson | NLPMP | Editor
1 min readJan 14, 2021


Backseat parents make it impossible to thrive on your own terms. They undermine your happiness and your sense of self in this life.

It’s challenging to see your children as the adults that they are. It’s hard to see them making their own decisions and their own mistakes too. For this reason, you can find your caretakers being overbearing, or engaging in backseat parenting. While it may come from a place of love, it becomes a major wall and point of contention in our relationships with them. If you want to preserve the bond you share, you need to learn how to deal…



E.B. Johnson | NLPMP | Editor

NLPMP Coach | Writer & Content Creator | Sharing my knowedge with the world ⭐️ https://linktr.ee/ebjohnson01